Tlapan, Mexico City.
It's been raining for days and we just got our first break of sun today in time for Mexico's election day. I guess it is one reason less not to vote. Yet there are some in Mexico who have called for exactly that: boycotting the vote to send a message to power that the citizenry is tired of playing along. I have spoken with many here who insist not one party or aspiring politician has a credible platform, much less a viable solution to Mexico's growing social and economic crisis which seem to worsen year after year. Sadly, democracy has brought little but party options to Mexico as each ideological bandwagon fights for a piece of the pie of power and influence that serves to nurture an entrenched and growing kleptocracy.
San Angel, Mexico City.
Read MoreSetting Up Shop
Making ends meet. The cliche is true for all folk all around the world. What differentiates this experience is by how much dint of blood, sweat, and pain this fleeting goal is achieved, even how it is defined.
Las Bombas
Night photography along Calzada de Las Bombas, Mexico City.
Read MorePhone Booth
Balloon Boy
In the Col. Roma, Mexico City.
Read MoreRide With Me
Two kids on a bike along Cafetales, Mexico City.
Read MoreThe Dynamics of Garbage
Sanitation workers in Mexico are a very peculiar breed when compared to their counter parts to the North in the United States and Canada where garbage collection is more about protecting the public and the environment. In Mexico City you'll find more of a hybrid system where municipal workers compensate their pittance of a salary with a sort of private venture that involves recycling garbage for its resource potential. As the idiom goes: One man's trash is another man's treasure.
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The Traveler
En Movimiento
La Poli

With reason, police in Mexico are usually viewed with a great deal of distrust and cynicism by the Mexican citizenry. This does not necessarily reflect the fact that many in law enforcement are just like any ordinary individual looking to make ends meet and desires a better Mexico. I have several friends and acquaintances who work at the municipal and federal level who genuinely show an interest in serving their fellow compatriots. Sometimes I wonder how much corruption may really be the exception and not the rule, as many are lead to believe here in Mexico.
Read MoreBirds and Sun
Seen in Centro Historico, Mexico City.
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