Tlapan, Mexico City.
Ciudad de Mexico

Cleansing ceremony at the Templo Mayor -Zocalo de la Ciudad de Mexico-- circa 2008.
Read MoreSaturday Ride

Transporte público en el D.F.
Read MorePeeps

I have no idea what they were up to. They were simply there, and I was too.
Read MoreLove Spot

Young couples in love in Mexico City's downtown.
Read MoreT.V. Dinner
A not too unusual seen one evening in Iztapalapa, Mexico City.
Read MoreHot Concrete
Wide angle shooting from the street floor in Mexico City's downtown.
Read MoreSqueaky
Making a living in Coyoacan, Mexico City.
All Dressed Up And Nowhere To Go
All dressed up and nowhere to go. This describes pretty much how I see Mexico's economy these days after all the energy the Mexican government put into reforms that nonetheless represented little in eventual benefit to the people of Mexico. Worse still, Mexico has been feverishly fighting a stronger US Dollar that has been battering the Mexican Peso left and right as global investors hedge against loss in gold and stronger currencies like the aforementioned greenback. Government revenue is also down as the price of oil --representing over 35% of government income-- stays low, part of the reason why President Enrique Peña Nieto stated early this month Mexico would have to tighten its belt into 2016.
Mexican military police at Mexico City's commemoration of the 30-year anniversary of the 1985 earthquake.
Peace Soldier
Image made during Mexico City's 1985 earthquake ceremony this month.
Eje Central Lazaro Cardenas, Centro Historico - Ciudad de México, MEXICO
The Crossing
Young lady crossing Lazaro Cardenas in Historic Center, Mexico City - Mexico.
Read MoreStreet Vendor
Lemon Squirt
Metro Villa de Cortés
One of my initial images circa 2006. I had asked him to pose for the shot; instead, he began to blow into the crucible. When I first came to Mexico, and until recently, you could find these shaman all over the city's largest municipal square -- El Zocalo. I speculate a recent policy move by the federal district authorities has kept them from operating in the area; It has been a while since I've witnessed any shaman executing their alternate medicinal practices at the Zocalo. Instead they have been dispersed to other parts of the downtown area and in dwindling numbers.
Seen on Eje Central Lazaro Cardenas, Centro Historico, Mexico City.
Read MoreDog Walk
Digital Kills The Analog Stars
Back in 2006 you could still run into photographers in some parts of Mexico City who made a living making images of folks in "touristy" areas. The ubiquity of digital sent most of them into early retirement.